Sunday, December 25, 2011

How do we start this...

I am promising myself to try and do the blogging thing.  I think its so darn cool when other people have blogs and people actually want to read them and are entertained by them.  I want strangers to love me and comment on my life too...    just kidding but i do want to keep track of the early years of my boys' lives and look back on this fondly.  Right now it's flippin' 1am the night after Christmas and I'm watching BBC America and listening to Dean and Spencer snoring.  I don't know why I am awake but I really want to start this while I have time.  Usually Spencer is sleeping on my chest but right now he's sleeping on Dean's chest and both my hands and lap are freeeeeeeee!!!  So here I go.

This Christmas of 2011 was the best in a long time.  I'm not saying the time leading up to it with shopping, planning, decorating and wrapping wasn't crazy hectic because, especially with a new baby, it was hard to get things done.  We were down to the wire.  But, then Griffin woke up, knocked on his door, and was yelling for Daddy.  It was great.  He is starting to get the whole Santa brings you presents thing.  This year we decided to bring in an old tradition from my childhood.  Instead of putting up the tree early and having it sit there as a big big toy to touch, we had Santa put up the tree.  Griff was too young to remember that Santa didn't do that last year.  When he walked into the living room this morning, he did a double take!  It was so cute.  "Tree!" he exclaimed.  "Epents!"  That's what he calls presents.  He was asked who brought them?  "Anta!!"  I really wish I had the whole thing on video, but that's another thing that I am so bad at remembering to do.  Everyone seemed very happy with their Santa visit and Matt even made me some things.  He made me a Pepsi clock and a small birdhouse.  He's really becoming quite handy and loves tools, lol!  Top it all off with brunch at IHOP(which Spencer slept through!!!), a visit from Mommom, and the Doctor Who Christmas special and you have the perfect yuletide celebration.  Now I just have to teach Griffin not to yell "Epents, please!" when guests come to visit on Christmas.  One step at a time!  Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Finally got the chance to stop by your blog today.. That's awesome that you started one. I totally love mine, even when no one reads it at all! I remember you leaving a comment a while back and I always remembered you mentioning that you were a stepmom, too. I appreciate the comment, seriously, because that can sometimes be the lonliest part of parenting for me. I don't have a whole great deal of people who can relate to some of the things I go through on that end. I hope you get the chance to post again, 'cause I'll be reading! :-)
